ocumetic bionic lens
ocumetic bionic lens

Thein-humantrialsareseekingtoprovetheOcumeticslenswouldhelppatientsgettheirbest-correctedvisionandmaximizethetechnology'saccommodative ...,WithourinnovativeandpatentedBionicLens™youcannowimaginelifewithoutcontactlensesorglasses.Sign-upbelowtobepa...

Ocumetics commences Clinical Trials for the Bionic Lens


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Ocumetics Eyes First In

The in-human trials are seeking to prove the Ocumetics lens would help patients get their best-corrected vision and maximize the technology's accommodative ...


With our innovative and patented Bionic Lens™ you can now imagine life without contact lenses or glasses. Sign-up below to be part of our vision, and receive ...

Ocumetics Technology Corp

The Ocumetics Lens is designed with the goal of helping people recover normal vision without requiring eyeglasses and without lag time in focus. At Ocumetics, ... News · This insane device promises to... · The end of glasses, contact... ·

Ocumetics Bionic Lens

An implantable miniature telescope that improves visual acuity and quality of life for patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration. More details.

Ocumetics Bionic Lens

A device that lets you see “three times better than 20/20 vision” without wearing any contacts or glasses at all — for an entire lifetime.

Bionic Eye Breakthrough

The bionic lens implant promises to redefine human sight. Using an ultra-thin, biocompatible polymer, this artificial lens is surgically inserted into the eye.

Bionic Lens: You've never seen anything like it!

A bionic contact lens is an advanced artificial lens that replaces the natural lens in the eye, offering enhanced vision beyond 20/20, reducing eye strain, and ...

Ocumetics commences Clinical Trials for the Bionic Lens

Ocumetics is pleased to announce that it has commenced the first phase of a clinical trial program for its initial product, the Bionic Lens.


加拿大卑詩省公司Ocumetics發明矯正視力的「Ocumetics仿生水晶體」(Ocumetics Bionic Lens),該公司宣稱戴上類似隱形眼鏡的鏡片後,只要短短10秒 ...


Thein-humantrialsareseekingtoprovetheOcumeticslenswouldhelppatientsgettheirbest-correctedvisionandmaximizethetechnology'saccommodative ...,WithourinnovativeandpatentedBionicLens™youcannowimaginelifewithoutcontactlensesorglasses.Sign-upbelowtobepartofourvision,andreceive ...,TheOcumeticsLensisdesignedwiththegoalofhelpingpeoplerecovernormalvisionwithoutrequiringeyeglassesandwithoutlagtimeinfocus...